Needs Analysis for Medical English Education: Doctors’ Literacy Related with Cognition and Identity
Emiko Matsumoto,
Faculty of International Liberal Arts, Juntendo University, Tokyo, Japan
The primary objective of this research is to establish the groundwork for conducting a needs analysis in medical English education for the development of future curriculum programs in my dissertation. The dissertation delves into the cognitive processes of healthcare professionals, scrutinizes the literacy evolving from this cognition over time and space, and explores the identity of medical doctors. Throughout the dissertation, the terms "literacy," "identity," and "cognition in time and space" will be elucidated. The methodology employed involves utilizing conversation analysis to dissect data collected through the observation of presentation videos from the ENDO2022 International Conference. This approach aims to unveil the literacy and identity of doctors. Data collection includes interviews with 11 doctors, observation of doctors' presentations, and a questionnaire administered to 81 university students. The study also aims to identify gaps between the current situation and desired outcomes, applying actual student experiences as a basis. This identification of gaps serves as a key objective, ultimately informing the development of future curricula. In this paper for the LLLD in Iran, I will introduce a portion of the data from my dissertation as a midterm report, providing insights into the ongoing research.
Keywords: Needs Analysis, English for Medical Purposes, Conversation Analysis