Author Guidelines

 All manuscripts submitted to Ahwaz Journal of Linguistics Studies (AJLS) are generally expected to strictly follow the latest edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA). Some of technical specifications include the following:

1-Length: The length should be less than 8,000 words, including references and appendices, with an abstract of 200 words and up to 5 key words separated by semicolons.

2- Font: Papers must be prepared in 12 pt (Times New Roman), and 1 line-spacing used for running text (single-spacing should be used for examples, tables, and figures).

3- Headings: Headings should be in 12 pt bold and on a separate line, ranged left, and all headings and subheadings must be numbered consecutively.

4- Spacing and paragraphing: Do not add an extra line between paragraphs.

5- Figures and tables: Tables and figures should be 10pt, numbered and have descriptive titles, and should be supplied in the actual place in the text.

6- Sections of manuscript:

Manuscripts should be organized into the following sections:

6.1-Reviews - Title of the Paper, Name of Author(s), Institutional Affiliation (Department, University, City, and Country), Email and Postal Addresses, Telephone Number, Abstract and Keywords, Introduction, Main text (divided into subheadings), Conclusion, Acknowledgement (if any), Statement of Competing Interests, List of Abbreviations (if any), References.

6.2-Research articles - Title of the Paper, Name of Author(s), Institutional Affiliation (Department, University, City, and Country), Email and Postal Addresses, Telephone Number, Abstract and Keywords, Introduction, Review of Literature, Method, Results and Discussion, Conclusion, Acknowledgement (if any), List of Abbreviations(if any), References.

 All manuscripts must be submitted electronically through the e-mail to the editor at (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) in both Microsoft Word and PDF formats.

 Review policies and decisions: Manuscripts qualifying for peer review are sent to at least two expert reviewers. The corresponding author will receive all editorial communications regarding the status of the manuscript, revisions, and reviews. A manuscript may be accepted without revision, with minor revision without being returned to the reviewers after modification, with major revision, or rejected.