Body language in Al-Naml Surah: A Critical Discourse Analysis

Marwa Obied Ali Al-Ammeri,

Department of English, College of Human Sciences, Kerbala University, Kerbala, Iraq


Surah Al-Naml (in Arabic text: النمل‎) is the 27th chapter of the Qur’an. The surah titled in English means “The Ants” and it consists of 93 verses. The Al-Naml Surah critical discourse analysis of body language delves into the Qur'an's nuanced portrayal of nonverbal communication. The goal of this study is to look into the significance of body language as a form of discourse, specifically its role in expressing implicit meanings and cultural context. The Al-Naml Surah, famous for describing Prophet Solomon's meeting with the Queen of Sheba, includes detailed descriptions of nonverbal cues, gestural signs, and bodily expressions. Consequently, the goal of this research is to examine these subtleties and reveal their communication value, shedding light on the sociocultural implications and hidden meanings that these nonverbal forms of expression are attempting to express. The goal of the study is to reveal the cultural nuances and hidden meanings in the text by using critical discourse analysis to examine the symbolic interpretations and contextual significance of the body language described in the Surah. Our comprehension of the Qur'anic text is anticipated to be enhanced by the findings, especially with regard to nonverbal communication and its importance as a narrative device in religious stories.

Keywords: Al-Naml, Surah, The Ants, Communication

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